“Recently, the film ‘Ants’ has been nominated in the ‘New Stories’ category at FIDBA – Buenos Aires International Documentary Film Festival, the largest documentary film festival in Ibero-America. The winners will be determined through international competition in the future. This marks Tomomichi Nakamura’s debut submission to a documentary film festival.”

This work is organized by photos and films illuminates intimate relationships and others in my everyday lives. It attempts to depict the deep empathy of human world by contrasting world of ants and ours. There are multiple perspectives to enter and feel the world of “Ants”. One of them is myself “Tomomichi”, and other one is my partner “Shiho”. They are expressed with fragments of each of their lifetimes of which are connected to the third perspective “All”. “All” implies all others including viewers. By feeling the connection between intimate world and Others, we would be able to reimagine connections among the fragments of lifetimes of all beings. In this way, we would be able to regain imagination about human’s connections with ants. We are like ants, and ants are like us.